WELCOME TO THE NORDIC CHIP COLLABORATIONStrenghtening the Nordic position in the global semiconductor market



In several key Nordic industries – such as mining, mineral-based industries, and batteries – coordination and collaboration across the Nordics has proven to be an effective way of creating greater value for the individual countries. In practice this means that one + one + one equals more than three. By combining complementary strengths, the Nordic offering increases in value.

Why chips?

The chip industry is experiencing significant growth and innovation and covers a wide range of activities, from materials and process technology to semiconductor and sensor design.

Sweden, Norway, and Finland all have a dynamic, specialised, and growing semiconductor industry with an estimated revenue of >3 billion EUR. Combined there are approximately 280 companies/organisations, with IC Design, Components and Materials making ~70% of the ecosystem. Across the value chain there is also a good representation of innovative SMEs with high-growth potential, and the industry is anchored by strong R&D institutes paired with world class infrastructure. If the Nordics follow Industry CAGR, revenue is expected to reach 6 billion EUR by 2035, and employment is expected to at least double from 12 000 today by 2035.

About the Nordic Chip Collaboration initiative

Established in 2024, The Nordic Chip Collaboration initiative aims to enhance cooperation across the Nordics, strengthen the region's position in the global semiconductor market, and contribute to a greener, more sustainable industry.

The purpose is to enable growth by joining forces, leveraging, and complementing strengths across the Nordic semiconductor ecosystem. The expected outcome of collaboration is to strengthen the Nordic’s position globally and contribute to European resilience.

Main objectives

  1. Create a common value proposition for the Nordic semiconductor industry and position the Nordics in key markets.
  2. Identify business and investment opportunities for Nordic industries and ecosystems.
  3. Establish the Nordics as a sustainability and innovation hub for the European and global semiconductor value chain (technology and production).
  4. Attract talent and competence to address skill shortages.